Easiest Tasty Meatloaf

Man it has been a while since I shared anything fun with the blogging world…almost a year! Just a quick recap of the last year, I became CFO at work and I now have a 3 month old boy that joins the twins <3, so not much time for exciting baking, crafting or party planning.

Anyway, now on to the reason for the post, Meatloaf! Let me preface by saying that I don’t like Stove Top stuffing AT ALL!! My husband loves it but that is the one thing that does not go on my plate at Thanksgiving (no matter how hard he tries to make me eat it 😉 )

Now a days I don’t have time to make a meal that takes longer than a half hour start to finish, but with a meal that simply takes 10 min to prepare I had to give it a shot. Not only that, but I love meatloaf (my kids actually do too!). I feel this is a very controversial food, some like it, and some don’t. Usually the people that don’t like it is a result of their childhood, “I hated the way my mom made it and it just stuck and I can’t bring myself to eat it…”. Clearly I am not one of those people.

While looking for a quick meal on Pinterest (of course), I found this Stuffing Meatloaf, it was super quick (to prepare) and we really enjoyed the result.

Stove Top Stuffing Meatloaf

  • 1 Pound Ground Meat (Beef or Turkey)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Box Stuffing Mix
  • 1 Cup Water

Mix everything together, smoosh it into a loaf pan, and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes to an hour.

THATS IT!! Can you believe it, no trying to figure out what spices to put in, how much breadcrumbs, etc, just dump the box contents in and mix everything together…can’t get any easier or better than that!

Give it a shot, we all know you are as busy as me. Do it and then sit back and enjoy a glass of wine while it bakes 🙂

What is your favorite Meatloaf recipe?
