Wine glass decorating craft & an Announcement!!!

So a couple weeks ago, my Sister in Law had a Thirty One Bags party and the theme was wine glasses, they asked everyone to decorate and bring a wine glass! Here are the ones I made, one for my and one for my best friend 😉

Here is the one I made for my best friend, it didn’t come out as awesome as I hoped, but I bought the glass at the $ store. For the glitter top, I mixed glitter with Modge Podge and painted/ sponged it on. The glitter kind of clumped and stuck to the brush/sponge so I had to keep applying to get the glitter on the glass but it wasn’t very even.


The words Best Friend are stickers, and since she likes Pink and Zebra Print, I tied this bow on it. On the bottom I wrote in Marker, “To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world!” This saying expresses my feelings for her to a T she has no idea how much she means to me!!! Aside from my husband she has been the one who has been there through everything!

**clearly this glass is more for decoration then actually using for wine, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t make it through a washing with the stickers and markers 🙂


Now here is my glass that I made for the party! Done with the $ store glass and markers, heart jewels, a baby sock and a pacifier!!! For the Momma Juice glass!!


That’s right this glass was for me because I AM GOING TO BE A MOMMA!!!! Not only am I going to be a Momma, but I am going to be a Momma to TWINS!!!!

Clearly this is why I have been tired and lazy lately, I did have a bad cold in the very beginning of my pregnancy then after that I was very tired and had no ambition to read or do anything. Well I am now into my second trimester and my energy and appetite have returned and I am oh so happy! I have been very blessed with an awesome pregnancy so far, very very little morning sickness and I feel great besides the fact that I am a “lucky” % of pregnant women that get stuck with congestion, but if this is the worst that I am going to have to deal with…I will gladly take it!!

I have multiple sets of twins in my family and I am so excited to be having twins, I actually am a twin and it was one of the best things!!! We are due 11/29/13 and today, I am 16w4d and the babies are the size of Avocados…so exciting!!! We heard their heartbeats yesterday and have an U/S on Friday…I can’t wait to see them formed, and not just fluttering heartbeats!!!

Anyway I can go on talking about this all day because we are just so excited!!! This has been an amazing experience so far and I know it will only get better!! My husband has been absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to see him become the awesome father that he will be! I love you so much!!

Well that is my news! Happy Tuesday!!

Oh My Gosh What A Slacker!!!

So I just realized the last time I posted was May 8th…over a month ago, and that post really didn’t have any substance!

I truly have been a slacker, even since I graduated (maybe a little before) I haven’t had that much energy to do anything even read!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the tragedies!!

So clearly this is why I have been a slacker with my blog! I do love it and I plan to start posting again! Maybe not everyday like I was used to but I will be bringing you more yummy treats, crafts and books soon!

I have a GREAT post coming soon! (I want to say tomorrow but who knows maybe in a couple days 🙂 So make sure you stick around and check back soon!

This all being said I will leave you with some awesome pictures of my past month of exciting activities!

GRADUATION DUH! I finally walked across that stage and completely finished with my Bachelors in Accounting!!! It was the greatest day! Then we flew to SC for a family wedding that was absolutely amazing!!

Clearly I stole this picture from the professionals so that is what it says proof, but in my defense, I also bought it 🙂



Me and my amazing husband who has been my biggest support and my rock, getting me through these long years of college! I would never have been able to do it without you!! You are my world and I love you so much!!!


Here is an after shot when all my family went out to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings! Here is another one of my amazing supporters, my AMAZING Aunt! Thanks for always being there and helping and believing in me!! Love you!

Sauce Boss and Wing Nut hahaha oh the fun!!

Sauce Boss and Wing Nut hahaha oh the fun!!

A couple other people i would like to thank is ALL of my family and friends who supported me and believed in me! Most importantly along with my husband and my aunt, my aunt Terry and my Best Friend Marissa!!! I love you all so much!!